Live Oak County Historical Commission meeting April 15, 2019. Glynis as secretary seated to the right of Ross Harris, LOCHC Chair. Photo, L to R at the table: Janis Hudson, Richard Hudson, Sherry Kosarek, Mary Margaret Campbell, Leslie Walker, Ross Harris, Glynis, Jim Warren, Cindi Robinson, Robin Dawson McKinney, and Gipper Nelson. Standing L to R: Honorable Jim Huff (County Judge), Nano Calderon (Texas Historical Commission Representative), Lamar James, Visitor, Bernard Lemley, Charlotte Schroeder, Peggy Skoruppa, Drusanne Hunter, Grace Wilson, Charles Kosarek.
Glynis Holm Strause is the secretary of Live Oak County Historical Commission and chair of the Oral History Committee. She has been a member of Live Oak County Historical Commission for three years.
As a professor of speech communication at Coastal Bend College for 34 years, she has always been interested in collecting oral history and the stories of people’s lives. Some of these stories are in print form in the Live Oak County Libraries. Some are located on the Oral History pages on this webiste. She arranged for a lecture by Dr. Stephen Sloan of Baylor University Oral History Project to the Live Oak County Historical Commission and guests.
As president of the George West Cemetery Association, Glynis worked to computerize the names and plots of those buried in the cemetery donated by Mr. George West, his heirs and the Canfield family. She also assisted in research needed to apply and have the George West Cemetery designated as a Texas Historic Cemetery. This is a permanent part of George West and Live Oak County history as Mr. West’s deeds state that anyone who ever lived in George West or Live Oak County may be buried in his cemetery at no cost.
As president of the Dobie West Performing Arts Theatre, Glynis helped to preserve the historic downtown movie theatre which is now a performing arts theatre. She directs and acts in plays and serves as chair over a dynamic and involved board of directors who schedule performances of music, plays, vintage movies and public lectures. She is pictured with her board after the performance of Dion Pride.
Glynis is a member and lay leader of the First United Methodist Church for which she wrote the church history for its 100th year anniversary.
Currently, Glynis is employed by ConocoPhillips as stakeholder relations advisor.