LOCHC Texas Historical Markers Since 2012 LOCHC Reactivation to the Present: (All previous markers are available on the Texas Historical Commission (THC) Atlas. We are currently updating all previous information as we receive it from the THC as no local archive had this information at the time of reactivation in 2012.)
Year Historical Marker Title Type Status LOCHC
Marker Judge
2012 Loma Sandia Prehistoric Cemetery Subject Planted Denniston Hudson Huff
2013 Cunningham House RTHL Planted Denniston Hudson
2014 Charles and Emma Tullis Subject Planted Walker Hudson Huff
2014 Chauncy and Minnie Canfield House RTHL Planted Walker Hudson Huff
2015 Live Oak County Jail RTHL Planted Walker Hudson
2015 Murphy Ranch House RTHL Planted Walker Hudson
2016 GW First United Methodist Church Subject Planted Walker Hudson Huff
2016 Town of Dinero (Replacement) Subject Planted Walker Hudson Huff
2016 Rialto Theater RTHL Planted Harris
Hudson Huff
2017 Thelma Pugh Lindholm Subject Planted Harris Hudson
2018 Jessy Franklin Gray Subject Planted Harris Hudson
2018 St George Catholic Church Subject Planted Harris Hudson Huff
2018 Oakville Cemetery (Medallion Only) HTC Planted Harris Hudson Huff
2019 First Baptist Church of GW Subject Approved Harris Hudson Huff
2019 Victoriano & Prisciliano Chapa Subject Approved Harris Hudson Huff
2020 Live Oak County Courthouse RTHL Approved Harris Hudson Huff
2020 George West Historic Texas Cemetery Subject Approved Harris Hudson Huff
2021 Weston-Chapa Cemetery Subject Developing Campbell Hudson Huff
2021 Albert Smith Subject Developing Campbell Hudson Huff
Prospective Marker Requests:
Order below does not represent order of application to the THC. That will be determined by order of Marker Applications as they are received by the Marker Chair. Application window opens again March 1 through May 15, 2021.
Weston/ Chapa Historic Texas Cemetery / Sponsor, Dina Salinas / Subject marker
Albert Smith / Sponsor, Melissa Cartwright / Subject marker
Four Star General Thomas H. Miller WWII / Sponsor TBD Subject / Subject marker
Rocky Reagan / Sponsor, Marjorie Bledsoe / Subject marker
Guy James Cemetery / Sponsor, James Family / Subject marker
Three Rivers Cemetery / 3Rs Cemetery Assoc. Subject marker.
Historic Cemetery Designation required before HTC Marker Application:
Cemeteries in above list received required Historic Texas Cemetery (HTC) Designation through the Cemetery Chair, Sherry Kosarek, and have now submitted applications for an HTC Marker. New cemetery applicants are working toward HTC Designation with Bernard Lemley, current LOCHC Cemetery Chair. After acquiring HTC Designation, they may apply for a marker during the next open period with the LOCHC Marker Chair.
The first THC open period toward a final marker application now begins March 1 of each year, and closes when two applications are completely active. The THC has new annual guidelines limiting the number of markers they can approve each year. A county the size of Live Oak (12,000 population) usually can expect to receive two annual markers. Our chair is open to pushing that envelope but has yet to see more than two approved. In 2018, LOC did receive a cemetery medallion besides the two markers. The THC open window for applications completed by the County Historical Commission is now March 1 through May 15 this year. The earlier the THC receives applications, the better chance for the applicant. LOCHC strives for sending applications the first week in March.
Present marker application status:
The Don Victoriano and Don Prisciliano Chapa marker application is in queue at the THC foundry. The LIve Oak County Courthouse and George West Texas Historical Cemetery marker texts are in review by the LOCHC. They will soon be returned to the THC. The Weston-Chapa narrative for THC application is in process. All others await their turn as above.