World War I (WWI or WW1) also known as the First World War, or the Great War, was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilized in one of the largest wars in history. Over nine million combatants and seven million civilians died as a result of the war (including the victims of a number of genocides), a casualty rate exacerbated by the belligerents' technological and industrial sophistication, and the tactical stalemate caused by grueling trench warfare. It was one of the deadliest conflicts in history, and paved the way for major political changes, including revolutions in many of the nations involved.
For the first time in American History, our nation joined a global effort for freedom. Men and women from all walks of life and ethnicitities joined the armed forces of the United States of America to fight on foreign soil for someone else's freedom. These young people came from the farms and ranches of Live Oak County, Texas just as others came from the East Coast to the West Coast, and from the North to the South. Below are the names of those who at the war's end were discharged from their service in WWI from Live Oak County:
Clarence S. Armantrout Leslie B. Guthrie Ismael Martinez
Francisco Baldobi Gus Hahn Willie D. Miller
Marcellous Bartlett Ben C. Ham Otis Montgomery
Donald D. Baucom Ephriam R. Harris Florentino Munoz
Fred H. Bradshaw William M. Harrison Wayne Nance
Gonzage Brizano Byron E. Herring Gerhard C. Ohlendorf
Henry C. Brown Leon A. Hicks James S. Parker
Frank W. Buck Roger L. Hill August Pavelka
Guadalupe Cabrera Richard F. Hindman Albert Peebles
Rudolph Cervenka Cheatum L. Holmes Floren A. Ploch
Thomas A. Chandler William T. Huddler Arthur E. Probst
Ovid V. Claunch Dewitt C. Johnson Charles E. Pugh
Jerome K. Cook Lurtice R. Johnson John C. Reddick
Heber L. Comby Robert M. Johnson Douglas W. Rhodes
Dock L. Cummings Edwin J. Jones Jesse G. Riser
Mike Davidson Henry A. Jones Hiram F. Roberson
Chester L. Decou William R. King Arthur H. Russell
Jesse L. Dowd Max Kolacek Otto W. Schindler
Leslie Dowd Herbert H. Krietsch Arnold E. Schindler
Frank Duncan Arthur Krueger August Seiffert
George E. Dunn Jesse C. Landers Benjamin H. Shannon
Thomas E. Dunn Earl H. Lasiter, Jr. Andrew F. Stewart
Andrew J. Edwards Lewis E. Latham Leonard C. Stewart
Oscar Edwards Charles Ledwig Elmer M. Tate
Frank English Clifton R. Lewis Jason T. Tate
Morris Franklin Oran F. Lewis John T. Thurmond
Andrew Freasier Albert Lichtenberg William D. Trimble
Howard S. Frederick Grover J. Lindholm Charles L. Tullis
James J. Gallagher William J. Liska Roy L. Turner
Andrew F. Gerhard Jose Love Francisco Valdahe
Otto A. Goebel Reagan McCowen Buzz Walker
Walter W. Goebel John A. McCumber Erwin S. Wernli
Hilario Gonzales Calvin L. McMahon Arthur L. White
Rafael Gonzales DeWitt C. Martin Willis B. Wilson
Santiago Guajardo June T. Martin
Others who lived in Live Oak County before or after WWI also served but these above were discharged from the county based on courthouse records supplied by Ervin L. Sparkman in The People's History of Live Oak County, Texas. Ide House, Mesquite, Texas. 1981. 67-68. Below are men of the community and men of renown whose names do not appear above.
Newt Chaney
J. Frank Dobie
Sterling Dobie
Jessy F. Gray
Albert Smith
Charles R. Tips