Mary Margaret Campbell is 2021-2022 Live Oak County Historical Commission Chair appointed by Live Oak County Commissioners' Court and Live Oak County Judge Jim Huff. Here she stands in front of the Texas Historical Marker for J. Frank Dobie, famous Live-Oak County folklorist, historian and author. Campbell worked with others to see Dobie's marker placed even during the organization's inactive period. Campbell is one of the original appointees when the organization was later revived. She has continually served in several different appointee elected positions since then. Mary Margaret and the new LOCHC appointees look forward to sharing the historic legacy of Live Oak County during the present biennium. Photo by Richard Hudson.
Below Campbell conducts the first LOCHC quarterly meeting of 2020 in her position as LOCHC Vice-Chair with absence of Ross Harris because of illness. ,
LOCHC First Quarterly meeting began 5:30 PM on February 3 at the George West Dobie West Performing Arts Theatre. Mary Margaret Campbell, acting Chair, presided in the absence of LOCHC Chair, Ross Harris. From left to right around the table are: Charlotte Schmidt Schroeder (back to the camera), Cindi Robertson, Robin Dawson McKinney, Drusanne Hunter, Grace Wilson, Jim Warren, LOC Judge Jim Huff, Glynis Holm Strause, Gipper Nelson, Charles Kosarek and Mary Margaret Campbell (also back to the camera). Peggy Skoruppa and Leslie Walker were present but not at this table at the time. Attending and taking the photo was Bernadette Cardona Gibson. Thanks, Bernadette, for the photos.
Mary Margaret holds a B.A. in Interdisciplinary English and an M.A. in Rhetoric and Composition from Texas Tech University and an M.S. in Educational Administration from Texas A&M, Corpus Christi. She taught English and speech for twenty years. In 2004 she became involved with George West Storyfest as a stage manager and in 2008 became Assistant Director. From 2006-2014, Mary Margaret was an oil and gas landman, researching land titles across South Texas. From 2009-2018, Mary Margaret was the Executive Director of George West Storyfest and George West Storyfest Association, Inc. In 2009 she completed the Texas Event Leadership Program curriculum. Currently, she works part time as a copy editor for the KAD Group.
Mary Margaret has presented papers and participated on panels at various conferences and meetings throughout her careers, including the Texas Folklore Society, Texas and Southwestern Popular Culture Association, the Texas State Historical Association, Tejas Storytelling Association, Texas Festivals and Events Association, and the Texas Commission on the Arts. Her poems, essays, and articles have appeared in publications such as English in Texas, American Cowboy, Texas Poetry Calendar, Red River Review, Beeville Picayune, and The Progress. She has essays in six Publications of the Texas Folklore Society (TFS).
Mary Margaret was appointed Chair of the Live Oak County Historical Commission for the 2021-2022 biennium by Live Oaik County Judge Jim Huff and the Commissioners' Court on December 31st. She is also chair of Dobie Dichos, Inc. She has served on boards of directors of the following organizations: Texas Folklore Society; Texas Festivals and Events Association; Tejas Storytelling Association; and Pan American Round Tables of Texas, Beeville Table.